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Simple & Easy Vanilla Cake Recipe

As I have mentioned in my previous article, if you want to work on a flavorful and very moist cake, you must know that egg whites will do the trick for you.   The day I made the egg custard pie , I didn’t plan to embark on another baking idea. It was just me, playing a genie, granting my husband’s simple wish. But after using just the egg yolks, I hated the idea of throwing something that I believe can still be useful. That’s when the image of a vanilla cake popped up suddenly.   And it’s so easy!   The idea though, of using a lot of butter, is frowned upon in this house. Yes, it lends a lot of flavor to the recipe but it is very unhealthy to load up your recipe with it. And half of a cup, like what my original recipe suggests, is too much! So I decided to cut the amount into a quarter of a cup and used apple sauce, of the same amount, instead.   I have done this kind of trick many times. Last summer, I used the combination of apple sauce and olive oil (...
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Egg Custard Pie Recipe

Speaking of custard , after a trip this morning to the supermarket, my husband mentioned that it's been a long time since I made an egg custard pie. With "a long time," he actually meant just six to seven days ago. So that says a lot about this dessert.  It is his favorite. We would usually make this pie once a week, so I understand why he has this cute craving for it. Yes, it's about time to whip it up again. So as a happy camper at our small kitchen, I pulled out a medium-size bowl and whisk in everything that I needed. This time, I decided to just use egg yolks instead of using whole eggs. Plus, instead of using plain milk, I went a little too far by making my own sweetened condensed milk . Now that's a lot of work. He had two major roles in this task, of course. Preheating the oven and eating the finished product. :-) Hey, the efforts paid off in the end. I noticed that the flavor is richer this time. Also, I loved the texture of the condensed milk and e...

Healthy Homemade Sweetened Condensed Milk

Five days ago, I posted a photo of the custard cake that I made on my Facebook Wall. My friends really poured in all their Likes. When I mentioned that I opted to make my own sweetened condensed milk instead of grabbing a can at the supermarket, folks filled the comment mill and my message inbox with the question, " How the hell do you make it ?" I did respond on my Wall. But for my curious friends, instead of sending individual messages, I am sharing the recipe below. Homemade Sweetened Condensed Milk 1 1/2 cups whole milk MY CUSTARD CAKE. Thinner cake. Thicker Custard. 1/2 cup sugar 3 tbsp butter 1 tsp vanilla In a saucepan, mix sugar and milk. Bring to a low-simmer over medium-low heat. Stir often. When steam starts lifting off the milk, lower the heat even further. When sugar dissolves, put heat at its lowest. Stir, stir, stir. In my case, I would stir it every 5-7 mins. Once you get the desired texture or once reduced to your satisfaction, whisk in but...